Patsye Lee Johnson, 77, of Deerfield, Virginia, formerly of Highland County, passed away Wednesday, June 21, 2023, at the University of Virginia.

Patsye was born April 17, 1946, in Norfolk, Virginia, the daughter of the late George Tilden Mathews and Virginia Elizabeth Holt Mathews.

She was married to Robert Luck Johnson, whom she married in 1999. Patsye retired from the Loundon County Board of Supervisors in Northern Virginia where she worked as a Recorder. She was a graduate of VPI and was an incessant reader and had a vocabulary beyond compare. She was a member of the Bolar Ruritan Club, loved her flowers and shrubbery, and enjoyed animals of all kinds.

She is survived by her husband Robert, of Deerfield.

A Celebration of Life will be held at a later date.


  1. I was saddened to hear of the loss of such a wonderful, special lady. I worked on a crew building their house in Highland a number of years ago. My brother Mark thought the world of Bob and the whole crew was enthralled with both Bob and Patsye’s kindness and hospitality. She was as sweet and caring as she was intelligent, and the two of them were a truly inspirational couple. We will all think of her with a smile.

    • John, How nice of you to say such nice things about Patsye, all confirmed by me as well. Your mention of Mark reminded me of one of my other senses of great loss.

    • I met Patsye through the wonderful Deerfield Library many years ago, and was instantly impressed by her lovely character and spirit. We shared many interests, especially our devotion to animals that needed help and a home.

      When I was a teacher in the JMU Young Children’s Program I rescued a turkey that fell off a turkey truck before Thanksgiving. I brought it to my classroom so my students could experience a real turkey, and it stayed outside but never behaved like a normal turkey after being raised in a poultry factory. It was drugged before capture so it didn’t eat at all. My preschoolers loved the turkey and missed it when Patsye adopted the turkey. But I was so appreciative when she accepted it and added it to all of her other adopted animals.

      Patsye was a JEWEL.

  2. Bob, Garth, and I are so sorry to hear about Patsye. We just learned today of her passing. She was a special lady for sure.


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